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Bruada1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 08/02/24 Frost:
Location: BUNGALOW

About My Edible Backyard

Why Bruada1 Love's Edible Plants


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Bruada1 Forum Contributions
Finger lime lost leaves - Finger Limes require small amounts of fertiliser every 2 – 3 months. NPK (15:4:11) fertiliser low in phosphorous Use only about 25–30% of the total annual amount of NPK fertiliser applied to other commercial citrus varieties. It is best to also g..2135 days 4hrs

Rollinia - Brazilian Custard Apple (Seedling) 9/10

Bruada1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1841 days 16hrs

Comments: -

I purchased this Rollinia bout 4 years ago out at Holliways Beach Markets off a lad down from Juletten selling tropical fruit trees. It sat around in it's pot for a couple of years till I got round to planting it out. Decided to try to top it at about 1 meter and pull the branchers out and tying them down till they stayed there, as I heard they are shallow rooted and will blow over in a blow so by keeping it low hope to not loose it in a cyclone and also make it easy to pick fruit. Maby would have toped it at 1-1/2 to 2 meters if doing it again to allow more room to spread fertliser and mulch underneath as this seems to be working fine. This is the first time it has fruited.

Planted: 2018

Height 2 metres

Growing: In the Ground

First Fruited: 4 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Spring


Pollination: No

Fertiliser or Organics Used: Blood and Bone, pelitised Chicken shit, potash

Organic Status:Organic

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Rosella (Seedling) 10/10

Bruada1's Edible Fruits
Update: 2069 days 6hrs

Comments: -

Great Jam.

This Rosella plant got so big it over grew where my Daleys Grafted Kohala Longan tree is planted so had to hack it back, still got lots of fruit.

I place the seeds in a pot and just cover with water, bring to boil for 30 minutes. Then strain and squeeze the crap out of them to ger the seed juice ( called pectin), add this juice to the red calyxes before cooking and measuring/adding sugar. The more pectin the firmer the jam is likely to set.

Remember that the setting of a jam is a chemical reaction between the fruit acid, the sugar and the pectin, not an evaporative process. James set as they cool, if over-cooked the setting point may be passed and instead a thick syrup rather than a jel is formed.

A drop of vinegar on the jam surface before sealing the bottles will reduce the chance of spoilage by mould.

Fruiting Months May and June

Planted: 2018

Height 2 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 6 Months From Seed

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Spring


Pollination: No

Fertiliser or Organics Used: Chicken shit pellets

Organic Status:Organic

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