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Berrymaniac's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 11/12/23 Frost:
Location: GOWRIE

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Berrymaniac Forum Contributions
Keriberry1 - Keriberries originated in Southern Asia not NZ. They may well have come to us via NZ but at some point they would have been introduced to NZ. They are farmed here commercially and the product is quite a large berry. There have been issues with spreading i..2779 days 3hrs
Keriberry1 - I have been experimenting with Keriberries in cold climate for several years now. I think I have planted about 5 in various locations but the only survivor was the one I planted in full summer sun in the worst spot in my yard. It thrives but shows very fe..2785 days 17hrs
Karakaberry - They are a hybrid developed by the NZ government, the exact details are sketchy but the original plants were hybridised with some different North American varieties. From what I can work out Costas' have the rights in Australia and currently licence berry..3357 days 23hrs
Blueberry burst - There have been reports of burst plants ground planted in the ACT growing much larger than the one metre dwarf size. I suspect that the recommendation to keep them potted may keep the size down...3452 days 1hrs

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