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DOB's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 27/11/18 Frost:
Location: PARK RIDGE

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

DOB Forum Contributions
Dwarf mulberry tree - Thanks Fruity.....stress was the one thing that sticks out. I had thought it might be stredd due to the move but then forgot. All of the reasons you give have been addressed where applicable. Now I just have to wait. Soil is always moist. I repotted and ..2543 days 7hrs
Dwarf mulberry tree - Have moved from middle coastal nsw to Sth East qld. Purchased dwarf mulberry and it remained in a pot (repotted once). Shortly after the move it produced immature fruit then the leaves started dropping and drying out at the tips. I repotted again using pr..2545 days 12hrs

Dwarf Mulberry - Red Shahtoot (Grafted) 5/10

DOB's Edible Fruits
Update: 2240 days 3hrs

Comments: -

Love the fruit since first taste from a friends garden. Inspired me to try and grow my own. Delivered over a 18 months ago to Sydney climate region.

Stayed in pot it came with until we moved to Bribane region last November and re-potted. Lost leaves over winter. Went into the ground end of winter this year in a 1m x 1m x 60cm deep hole. Used good soil mixed with compost and worm castings (25%).Clay soil so I lathered clay breaker around every surface of the hole. PH Neutral.

It budded well although slow to open. November came and lowest bud produced leaves and immature fruit but then just dropped off after 2 weeks. Still has buds but noticed some have also dropped. Noticed exposed roots so I put a border around it, raised the soil and applied general fruit tree fertilizer  Have applied sugar cane mulch 

Any feedback welcome.

Planted: 2018

Height 60 Centimetres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 1 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Spring


Pollination: Self Pollination

Fertiliser or Organics Used: Powerfeed by Seasl, worm castings, aged compost

When I Fertilise: When Fruiting and Spring

Pest Control: None yet

Organic Status:Certified

Question: Just any feedback from above comments.

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