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Maggie Price's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 27/11/08 Frost:
Location: Bribie Island, Qld


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Maggie Price Forum Contributions
Dwarf frui trees - Picture 2..6140 days 4hrs
Dwarf frui trees - Hi, These are some photo's of my Dwarf Lemon Tree. My Grand Daughter Siera wants to pull then off every time she visits. There are 16 Lemons on it and doing very well. I also have a dwarf Lime with only 1 very big lime on it but it very healthy. I have..6140 days 4hrs
Dwarf fruit trees - Hi, These are photo's of my dwarf Lemon tree. A few photo's of my Grand Daughter Siera aged 14 months who wanted to try them out. I have never grown any fruit trees before but now am growing them in pots. Lemon, Orange, Lemonade, Lime, Paw Paw & Mango...6140 days 4hrs

Dwarf Mango - Irwin

Maggie Price's Edible Fruits

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