Eric6's Edible FruitsUpdate: 2033 days 12hrsComments: - A robust, prolific tree that 1st flowered 6 weeks after purchase. I removed most flowers but allowed one fruit to mature (pictured). The beautifully formed fruit was really tasty with a smooth buttery texture. It's July, after one year the tree is now 120CM tall and heavily flowering.
Fruiting Months May and June
Planted: 2018
Height 120 Centimetres
Growing: In a Pot
First Fruited: 1 Years from purchase in pot
Sun/Shade: Full Sun
Water Given in: Spring
Pollination: Cross Pollination
Cross Pollinator Variety: Edranol
Fertiliser or Organics Used: Dynamic Lifter Spring, Summer
Pest Control: None needed
Organic Status:Certified
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