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Momomo's Edible Backyard

Joined: 19/05/20 Updated: 19/05/20 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Momomo Forum Contributions
Zanthoxylum seeds - Just realized the one you are growing is China origin but what I am looking for is japan origin one. Those looks similar but different. I found the site explaining about how to use fruits of Z. Pepertum just for u to refer. If u use key word of Huajiao,..1665 days 7hrs
Zanthoxylum seeds - Thanks for your reply Linton. That’s great u grown the Sansho tree from seedlings. When u sell the plant, can u pls let me know ? I’m interested! Thanks:)..1665 days 8hrs
Zanthoxylum seeds - Hi Linton, ur Sansho tree grown from seedlings? How long does it take if so? I wish I could buy the tree somewhere in Australia... it seems nowhere sell it! This tree only the female tree get fruits. And most popular way to consume is the powder made..1669 days 9hrs

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