26/11/08 Updated:
21/09/09 Frost:
Location: Highfields
About My Edible Backyard
Why Dustygrl70 Love's Edible PlantsWe have a 3/4 acre block near Toowoomba on the Great Dividing Range; deep red rainforest soil with mostly summer rains, lighter rains and some misty weather throughout the year.
Our fruit trees are planted all over the yard, depending on their particular needs; stonefruit in an open northerly aspect, raspberries in a sheltered north facing spot, capers and artichokes in the west facing rockery, passionfruit on the northern side of a rainwater tank, and jaboticaba and other tropicals on the sheltered south side.
The biggest challenge in recent years has been low rainfall and trying to maintain a chemical-free garden when plants are stressed and more susceptible to pests/disease.
Rewards - picking and eating our fruit. Even though most of the trees are less than 2 years old some are already bearing small crops.
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