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GiveItATry's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 18/08/09 Frost:
Location: Brighton

About My Edible Backyard

Why GiveItATry Love's Edible Plants


My Name is Robert i live in (BRIGHTON SOUTH AUSTRALIA). I love gardening and i love the challenge of growing new and exotic fruits. There are so many good reasons for growing plants and fruit trees in your garden, from meditation to a good challenge.  there is nothing better in life than being diffrent to other people in one way than another. I cuurently grow the following very successfully in my back garden: (EXOTIC PLANTS) Cherymoya (This Cherymoya is a seedling and isdirect seed from Quito in Ecuador, The fruit is from the gods, easy to grow) Cherry Guava ( Very easy to grow love water to increase fruit size) JuJube ( Grows very easy known as the Chinese date, drought tolerant, awsome to eat and dry). GoJi ( Aslo very easy to grow and drought tolerant, high in vitamin C good for your health). Tamarillo ( This is a great tree to get however make sure you buy a grafted tree to guarantee larger fruit yields and larger fruit size).  White Sapote ( This is a great fruit to eat and is super easy to grow, Pruin the tree to keep the deired hight and shape otherwise will become a very large tree) Banana ( Grows easy but also like water, Mulching is important for water retention) Red PawPaw ( Grows really well and YES it survives the winter frosts, no fruit yet only first year, howeverthe trees grow fast). Mango "Kensington Pride" ( grows well however do not exspect large fruit, also never buy a grafted one as the rootstock can be more frost tolerant and over take the graft, You must protect this tree for the first two or three years to it establishes well) 


All i can say is thay DALEYS FRUIT AND NUT NURSERY is one of the best NURSERYS in Australia you will ever deal with when it comes to Exotic Fruit and Nut plants. They are a one stop shop with "A" CLASS plant stock. You only pay for what you get and these guys have it all. NOTE: I believe it is always better to pay a little extra and buy GRAFTED trees, this can help to get fruit production a little quicker by 2 or 3 years. 



Correy says... [5659 days 13hrs ago]
Wow thanks for the great comments about Daleys :)
gabs says... [4188 days 9hrs ago]
Hi Robert, interested in how your Avocado/Bananas are going? Looks like you have a great assortment of fruits. cheers gabs.

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Peach - Tasty Zee

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits
Update: 5659 days 13hrs

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Peach - China Flat

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits
Update: 5659 days 13hrs

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Wampee - Guy Sam

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits

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GiveItATry says... [5659 days 13hrs ago]
I have done not to good with this as the moment, However i have had very other positive reports from other people in Adelaide.
Ellen says... [5643 days 17hrs ago]
How long have you had this Wampi? Can you post a picture of it up so we can see? I've just repotted mine and after 1 week you can see it has new growth on top, taking off really well. It loves Sydney's weather so far .

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Fig White Adriatic

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits

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Yacon - Apple of the Earth

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits

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GiveItATry says... [5659 days 13hrs ago]
Grows very easy in Brighton in South Australia.

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Feijoa - Duffy

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits

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GiveItATry says... [5659 days 13hrs ago]
Grows very easy in Brighton in South Australia.

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Papaya - Southern Red

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits

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Babaco Cutting

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits

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Passionfruit - Sweet Lilikoi

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits

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Carambola Starfruit - Arkin

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits

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Berry - Loganberry

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits

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GiveItATry says... [5659 days 13hrs ago]
Grows very easy in Brighton in South Australia.

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Fig Black Genoa

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits

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GiveItATry says... [5659 days 13hrs ago]
Grows very easy in Brighton in South Australia.
GiveItATry says... [5659 days 13hrs ago]
Grows very easy in Brighton in South Australia.

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Yacon - Apple of the Earth

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits

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GiveItATry says... [5659 days 13hrs ago]
Grows very easy in Brighton in South Australia.

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Dwarf Mulberry - Black

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits

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GiveItATry says... [5659 days 13hrs ago]
Grows very easy in Brighton in South Australia.

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Babaco Cutting

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits

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GiveItATry says... [5659 days 13hrs ago]
Grows very easy in Brighton in South Australia.

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Walnut - English

GiveItATry's Edible Fruits

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