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DTown's Edible Backyard

Joined: 24/08/22 Updated: 24/08/22 Frost:

About My Edible Backyard

Why DTown Love's Edible Plants



DTown says... [904 days 10hrs ago]
Now that I'm not working as much as I used to, due to a spinal injury, I'm home more and would like to continue setting up my planter boxes that I started at least 18 mths ago, I've already built the lower level and once in position, will add the second layer of sleepers, I've also the pipework set up to water the gardens with the bore, I plan on lining the boxes with black plastic to help retain the moisture, thinking I might need to pierce the bottom in a few places, so as I won't water log the plants/veges. It will be so much cheaper and healthier to be able to grow and eat my own produce.

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Sweet Potato - Sweet n Gold

DTown's Edible Fruits
Update: 904 days 10hrs

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DTown says... [904 days 9hrs ago]
I've been trying to add this Jaboticaba Tree to my page but for some reason it isn't allowing me to add it. I've had itfor a few years now but need to change it's position due to other trees shading it out. Still no fruit either.

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