TareqMelbourn's Edible Backyard
03/12/22 Updated:
06/08/24 Frost: Location: CHELTENHAM * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy
TareqMelbourn Forum Contributions
Pouteria lucuma - Hi Scot. I am interested in Lucuma plants. Can you send me the details via email to tareqhsa at yahoo dot com please .. 367 days 18hrs
Sweet granadilla - I planted two in the ground in summer. They are both going well so far. The winter would be the real test. .. 475 days 11hrs
Which feijoa for melbourne - I have large oval and a Duffy. I love the large oval taste much more as it is more creamy and dense but less acidic. .. 498 days 16hrs
Avocado root rot treatment options - Try Yates 500ml Anti Rot Fungicide as leaf spray, it is not organic but works. Make sure your potting mix is free draining by adding sand, or other materials like perlite ...etc. if in ground, be careful with the mulch not to touch the trunck to prevent c.. 634 days 21hrs
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