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Amanda16's Edible Backyard

Joined: 30/11/08 Updated: 18/02/10 Frost:
Location: Maryborough

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Pine Nut 9/10

Amanda16's Edible Fruits
Update: 5477 days 5hrs

Comments: -

Inspired by the Ringing Cedars books written by Vladamir Megre. This tree will provide me with pine nuts, still a few years from harvest. Likes Victoria's weather and survived the long hot summer, budding now August 2009. Research pine nuts, they are so good for health and skin. My son's teenage acne cleared after taking pine nuts in his diet for six months.

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ANDY1 says... [5121 days 24hrs ago]
do you have any seedlings of grafted tree's ?

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Sweet Potato - Sweet n Star

Amanda16's Edible Fruits
Update: 5663 days 6hrs

Comments: -

Slow, just setting roots. Has been planted since last spring.

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Yacon - Apple of the Earth

Amanda16's Edible Fruits
Update: 5663 days 6hrs

Comments: -

Affected by frost in Victoria- too far south

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