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Kelly7's Edible Backyard

Joined: 30/11/08 Updated: 30/11/08 Frost:
Location: Stanthorpe


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Kelly7 Forum Contributions
Kiwi fruit sex1 - Hi there, I have 6 kiwi fruit trees that I planted three plus years ago. They have not fruited. I assume I don't have different sexes. My question is how can I tell which tree is which sex? And perhaps there is a different problem I don't know about? ..4774 days 7hrs

Blueberry - Misty

Kelly7's Edible Fruits

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Blueberry - Sharpblue

Kelly7's Edible Fruits

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Passionfruit - Black

Kelly7's Edible Fruits

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Passionfruit - Banana

Kelly7's Edible Fruits

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