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Maisie's Edible Backyard

Joined: 28/01/09 Updated: 14/08/10 Frost:
Location: Tweed Heads West

About My Edible Backyard

Why Maisie Love's Edible Plants

I enjoy gardening. Gives me something to do outside. I don't get much sun in my garden. It does get the afternoon sun. But anything that is growing misses the morning sun so it does limit the things that I can grow.


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Maisie Forum Contributions
Paw paw stork rotting - The fruit is rotting at the stork and falling off. This happens when they start to color. A month ago I had a few ripe ones and they were ok...5683 days 21hrs

paw paw 7/10

Maisie's Edible Fruits
Update: 5301 days 18hrs

Comments: - I grew them from seed. I have a male and female in my backyard.

Fruiting Months May and June

Planted: 2008

Height 3 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Fruit Harvest: 6 Fruit Per Year

First Fruited: 12 Months From Seed

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

Pollination: Cross Pollination

Cross Pollinator Variety: male

Fertiliser or Organics Used: none

Pest Control: No Pest control

Organic Status:Organic

Question: They have just started rotting. Please help me out here

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Blueberry - Sharpblue (Cutting) 9/10

Maisie's Edible Fruits
Update: 5301 days 18hrs

Comments: - I now have some fruit.

Pollination: Cross Pollination

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Maisie's Edible Fruits
Update: 5683 days 21hrs

Comments: - I have a lychee tree that has a huge crop every year that the bats come and eat green before I get any ):

Pollination: Cross Pollination

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