Lisa Forum Contributions
Fruit identification2 - I have 4 Pepino and the fruit is about 8cm long, how do I know when they are ready to pick?
Thanks, Lisa..
5477 days 4hrs
Dust storm - I can sympathise, I have lost all my mulberries, apple, cherry & orange blossoms (plus more) that were flowering :(..
5616 days 13hrs
Edible hedge suggestions - John...Not sure of the altitude, I will have to check. We do get frosts and it has been known to have the occaisional snow ( I have only ever seen sleet).
Hi Ellen... I don't even have all of mine listed yet, I need to update MyEdibles page. We are hu..
5616 days 22hrs
Edible hedge suggestions - I live in the Mid Blue Mountains and have a stretch of about 15 metres (north facing) where I would like to plant a hedge with something Edible however it must be hardy and frost tolerant and have a maximum growth of 4-5 metres or be able to be kept that..
5618 days 1hrs
Black raspberry - I did see some seeds on ebay...
5668 days 1hrs