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Kris1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/08/09 Updated: 26/08/10 Frost:
Location: Tweed Heads

About My Edible Backyard

Why Kris1 Love's Edible Plants

We live in a unit and have a courtyard that gets mainly midday to afternoon sun. We have most of our plants in pots .


Kris1 says... [5301 days 12hrs ago]
Our plants have to produce for us in a year or they are changed for something else that we aill try.
Kris1 says... [5288 days 9hrs ago]

Kris1 says... [5288 days 9hrs ago]
Added some upside down hangin pots - have tomatoes growing and strawberries - seem to be going well so far

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Kris1 Forum Contributions
Blueberry - Hi, I believe the fuiting time is Aug to Dec so maybe it will bear fruit then. Check what soil it is in and maybe repot it. It might just need a good potting mix (if in a pot) or a good feeed with fertilizer...6450 days 5hrs

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