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Kim11's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 27/11/08 Frost:
Location: Bundarra


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Kim11 Forum Contributions
I have a cherry tree - Jason..it has been a very good season for the birds elsewhere I would say..and it would seem that everyone else here has their cats outside thus considerably less birds..(we have ours locked in a specially made outdoors indoors cage) some years it does an..4812 days 4hrs
I have a cherry tree - I hope i haven't doubled up on these pictures this is our Stella it has been in the ground about 5 years the crop is really good considering we had a late frost and lost some early flowers etc It has had no special treatment the soil has good drainage an..4828 days 10hrs
I have a cherry tree - I hope i haven't doubled up on these pictures this is our Stella it has been in the ground about 5 years the crop is really good considering we had a late frost and lost some early flowers etc It has had no special treatment the soil has good drainage an..4828 days 10hrs

Olive - Arbequina

Kim11's Edible Fruits

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Avocado - Bacon (B)

Kim11's Edible Fruits

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Peach - Angel TM High Chill

Kim11's Edible Fruits

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