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Scooba's Edible Backyard

Joined: 13/08/09 Updated: 15/08/09 Frost:
Location: Charlestown

About My Edible Backyard

Why Scooba Love's Edible Plants

Gudday my name is Matt, i am a casual teacher in D&T and a furniture maker as well as many other hats i wear when necassary.

My residential 900 square is near the beaches of Newcastle so it is frost free, the block  is east / west facing with plenty of sunlight in most areas, my planting area has a clay base approx 1-3 feet down on a slight gradient and a sandy topsoil.

my biggest challenge is fitting this block with all the trees i would like, which is approx 40-50 species of fruit trees as i can see my 2 yo son walking through our yard in future years picking a basket full of delicous and exotic edibles that junk food companies could not compete with.

Most of my research comes from local nurseries and neighbours that often offer conflicting advice such as the question of the existence of a cherry variety which can flourish near the coast without frost or cold. some say yes and some say no so far the tally is around 50/50.

well that is enough about this blog happy gardening and have a super spring.

best regards 



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Scooba's Edible Fruits
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