DuendeLimon1's Edible Backyard
16/08/09 Updated:
23/08/09 Frost: Location: About My Edible BackyardWhy DuendeLimon1 Love's Edible PlantsI don't have an orchard but the single existing tree is at 22161 Duende, Mission Viejo, CA Southern California. We're about 10 miles from the Pacific Ocean at Laguna Beach. Slightly warmer than the ocean temps and a few degrees cooler than the Los Angeles, CA Regards, John E Comments* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy
DuendeLimon1 Forum Contributions
Lemon and lime trees - The tree is now fruiting so I'll have to wait until next January to photo the ripe fruit. Still would like to buy two trees. It's really a perfect fruit for fish and other lemon/lime flavored dished. Great flavor and no seeds. Added some juice to.. 5656 days 20hrs
Lemon and lime trees - My neighbor has a citrus tree that has fruit that looks exactly like a Meyer lemon, but the flesh looks like lime fruit, tastes like lime and has no seeds. Great size and taste.
Does anyone know where I buy a two trees??
John.. 5663 days 20hrs
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