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Pegi's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 18/08/09 Frost:
Location: Nimbin

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Pegi Forum Contributions
Mango flowering1 - MAny thanks for your reply and I really appreciate it. The funny thing is that the others around it have not set any flowers. I will leave some of the flowers and have it small rather than a large tree.The tree is young about 2 years. I purchased at Dal..6429 days 21hrs
Mango flowering1 - IS this normal for this mango to be flowering at this time of the year? IS this a good time to feed it? If that is normal is there anything special to be done to it?..6433 days 1hrs
Mango flowering - Can someone tell me is this normal for mangoes to flower at this time of the year?The tree is full of buds and flowers. Should they be fertilized now?..6433 days 2hrs
Jack fruit problem - Many thanks for the reply Kath. I will get the book that you mentioned. I have bought a 5th tree and I shall wait till the weather is a little warmer to plant it. this time it is a DALEY"S one. MAy be I will be more lucky...6433 days 2hrs
Jack fruit problem - I have been trying to grow jack fruit and I have lost already 3. The last one is going. Can anyone please tell me if there is a special requirement? Is there anything that I am doing wrong?..6440 days 7hrs

Peach - Tropic Beauty

Pegi's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 20hrs

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Oak - English

Pegi's Edible Fruits
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Lomandra longifolia - Mat Rush

Pegi's Edible Fruits
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Golden Champaca

Pegi's Edible Fruits
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Yellow Flame Tree

Pegi's Edible Fruits
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Magnolia - Rustica Rubra (Grafted) 2/10

Pegi's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 20hrs

When I Fertilise: Yearly

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Sheoak - Forest

Pegi's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 20hrs

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Chestnut - seedling

Pegi's Edible Fruits

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