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Chak's Edible Backyard

Joined: 14/09/09 Updated: 04/10/11 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Chak Forum Contributions
Lychee14 - Hi Michael, If you see the owner, can you ask if any spray is needed (copper, anti fungal), and what fertilizer is used. Thanks..3307 days 17hrs
Lychee14 - Hi Michael, That would be great. Please email me at chak.khong@gmail.com. Thank you..3346 days 23hrs
Lychee14 - My tree was flowering nicely and forming small fruits. But now most of the fruits have dropped. Only a handful left. The same happened last year. But 2 years ago, I had about 20 mature fruits. Anyone know what's wrong?..3363 days 16hrs
Pinks mammoth - My Pinks Mammoth is 3 years old. So far, no flower, no fruit. Shall I dig it up and plant another one?..4886 days 22hrs

Lychee - Bosworth 3

Chak's Edible Fruits
Update: 5631 days 19hrs

Comments: -

Planted this lychee tree about 5 months ago. New growths are coming out now.

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Custard Apple - Pinks Mammoth

Chak's Edible Fruits
Update: 5631 days 20hrs

Comments: -

Planted the tree abount 5 months ago. It had 7-8 leaves initially. Now it's down to 2. Hoping for new growth as the weather warms up. The tree next to it in the bag is the persimmon I just bought.

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HappyEarth says... [5631 days 12hrs ago]
Dont worry Chak ... custard apples lose their leaves at this time of year before putting on their new spring growth
Chak says... [4886 days 21hrs ago]
An update - after 2 1/2 years, still no fruits, no flowers. Meanwhile I have planted the persimmon which flowered and fruited, though the fruits dropped when the size of a cherry tomato. I'm thinking of digging it up and plant a new one!

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