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Glen1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 21/10/09 Updated: 21/10/09 Frost:
Location: Wantirna

About My Edible Backyard

Why Glen1 Love's Edible Plants

 I have a small back yard and I am just working on getting plants established for when I move into a house next year that myself and my girlfriend are building. I love my berry fruit and have grown loganberries since the age of 10 I am now 25, which are still going strong at my parents place along with some youngberries. The only problem I have to overcome is convincing my girlfriend of any plant which can take some time due my love of growing fruit.

In my new house I will be looking for trees to espalier and dwarf trees as can not afford the space for a big tree.


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Dwarf Orange - Washington Navel

Glen1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5594 days 13hrs

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Pineapple - F180

Glen1's Edible Fruits
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raspberry - Nookta

Glen1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5594 days 14hrs

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Berry - Silvanberry

Glen1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5594 days 14hrs

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Berry - Loganberry

Glen1's Edible Fruits
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Berry - Youngberry (Cutting) 9/10

Glen1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5594 days 14hrs

Fruiting Months January and December

Planted: 2009

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