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Jairo's Edible Backyard

Joined: 17/12/09 Updated: 17/12/09 Frost:
Location: Santa Fe de Antioquia

About My Edible Backyard

Why Jairo Love's Edible Plants

 I grow fruit trees for hot climate.  I live in semidesertic zone. which Annual rainfall is about 450 mm. I love to swap any kind of seeds around the word.


Violet Cactus says... [5472 days 15hrs ago]
Hi Jairo, I have some seeds you might like. Tomatoes and some cactus. Email me: angavar(at)yahoo.com
jairo says... [5289 days 17hrs ago]
Hi,I will very happy get some cactus an tomatoes seeds. Please let me know what kind of seeds are you looking for.. Regards from Colombia. jairo

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Jairo Forum Contributions
Rare fruit swapsale in melbourne southeast1 - I have fresh seeds for swap. Citrus nobilis ,Mandarina Ficus Carica, higo Hylocereus triangularis, Pitaya Physalis peruviana, Uchuva Syzygium jambos, Poma Inga hintonii , guama Prosopis pallida, algarrobo Passiflora tarminiana, cu..5538 days 17hrs

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