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Bare root fruit trees last chance for 2022
Bare root fruit trees last chance for 2022Gardening AustraliaJuicy MangoAstringent and non-astringent varieties

SJC's Edible Backyard

Joined: 12/02/10 Updated: 12/02/10 Frost:
Location: Coburg

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

SJC Forum Contributions
Bacond avo in melb wilting - Yay....looks like he may still be going......5272 days 2hrs
Bacond avo in melb wilting - he he I like the collar idea! Thanks guys....he's sat quietly under cover watching the rain and chatting to he new Hass friend..well i hope he is cos it means he's not dead! I'll post some pics when something happens! S ..5279 days 1hrs
Bacond avo in melb wilting - Hi In the end he lost all his leaves but i am still hopefully he'll pull through. Did you do anything in particular with your Hass avos, Araich? I have planted him in good potting mix with gypsum, water very sparingly with mega weak seasol and a tiny b..5280 days 21hrs
Bacond avo in melb wilting - hi again...i just removed Mr Bacon and put him in a pot. Definite root-rot but the main root was still ok as were some of the smaller ones. He's convalescing under cover now in some potting mix and gypsum. I think i have a spot for him in raised bed....i..5286 days 3hrs
Bacond avo in melb wilting - thanks - i think Bacon is on the moce this weekend. He's in full sun and i am pretty sure i overwatered when he started ot wilt. I have given him some gypsum and also some root-rot spray. He only started going downhill in the last week so hopefully i can..5286 days 20hrs

Avocado - Bacon (B)

SJC's Edible Fruits
Update: 5279 days 0hrs

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