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Pottsy's Edible Backyard

Joined: 15/08/10 Updated: 15/08/10 Frost:
Location: Emu Plains

About My Edible Backyard

Why Pottsy Love's Edible Plants

Great fun to grow and especially for cooking and eating!!


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Mandarins 9/10

Pottsy's Edible Fruits
Update: 5299 days 6hrs

Comments: -

Apart from 2010 it has always produced a great crop and one year even  'hid' the passionfruit vine from us as the vine grew over the canopy.  We found we had passionfruits when our King Charles Cavalier brought them to us after they dropped.

Planted: 2003

Water Given in: Spring


Mandarins are usually this year they are tiny - about one fifth of normal size but still nice and sweet to eat!!  Why would they be so tiny?

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