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Pitaya Dragon fruit in all different colours available at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery
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THolben's Edible Backyard

Joined: 15/08/10 Updated: 15/08/10 Frost:
Location: Como

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Olive - Manzanillo (Grafted) 8/10

THolben's Edible Fruits
Update: 5196 days 1hrs

Comments: -

This is the olive grown by many gourmet table olive farmers due to flesh/pit ratio, lovely flavour, easy to grow and prepare for eating. Although ours haven't fruited yet (we haven't had them long enough), I am very pleased to report that they are growing very well in our Sydney climate and our backyard's microclimate/soil (Como 2226, near Sutherland). Sandy soil (~50cm deep) on bedrock/clay base was prepared following Olives Australia guidlines,

We have only watered once a week for first 3 weeks, then let all the Winter rain take over for settling roots in. Expect to water during fruiting, and prune every 2 years to open vase kept at max 3m.

Will add fruiting details when that happens, and will post back if any watering/pruning/pest issues arise.

Planted: 2010

Height 1.8 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 3

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Summer

Pollination: Cross Pollination

Cross Pollinator Variety: Frantoio


Does anyone else in Sydney have experience with olives? Do you have tips or experience to share?

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