Marie1's Edible Backyard
17/08/10 Updated:
17/08/10 Frost: About My Edible BackyardWhy Marie1 Love's Edible Plants i have 4 different soil types and so different plants grow in different areas,rain is a little rare here but we have 2 large tanks. i really enjoy my vegetable garden and all my fruit and nut trees,all is organic but not certified.i also grow natives and as well as unusual trees. Comments* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
red cabbage 10/10Marie1's Edible FruitsUpdate: 5287 days 21hrs Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Full Sun Pollination: Self Pollination When I Fertilise: Yearly Organic Status:Organic Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Almond - Self Pollinating Papershell (Grafted) 10/10![]() Update: 5287 days 21hrs Comments: - great taste,goood crop, Planted: 2004 Height 2 metres Growing: In the Ground First Fruited: 2 Years from purchase in pot Water Given in: Winter Pollination: Self Pollination When I Fertilise: Yearly Organic Status:Organic Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 5 of 6 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Peach (Grafted) 10/10![]() Update: 5287 days 21hrs Comments: - my daughter gave it to me, it has big fruit, very juicy,and its healthy, seems to require less attention than all my other large fruit trees. the birds have a hard time noticing it and i don't have to cover it,i just have to keep the grand kids off the fruit. Planted: 2005 Height 60 Centimetres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Autumn SpringPollination: Self Pollination When I Fertilise: Yearly Organic Status:Organic Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 8 of 10 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
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