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Karena's Edible Backyard

Joined: 17/08/10 Updated: 17/08/10 Frost:
Location: Chidlow

About My Edible Backyard

Why Karena Love's Edible Plants

because they are much more convenient than going to the shop!


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Passionfruit - Black (Grafted) 10/10

Karena's Edible Fruits
Update: 5289 days 13hrs

Comments: -

it tastes yum and I somehow managed to put it in 'just the right spot'. After I planted it it was struggling, but then I had a baby and started chucking his bathwater on there every day - about 9ltrs, and it took off - it is growing like crazy with minimal attention, now! I only water it on the odd occasion if it hasn't rained.

Fruiting Months January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Planted: 2008

Height 2 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Fruit Harvest: 100 Fruit Per Year

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Spring

When I Fertilise: When Fruiting

Organic Status:Organic


I discovered thattoo much nitrogen makes the plant drop immature fruit (I tipped the last of the 'poo tea' on it and it wasn't happy).  What is a good mix of fertiliser, because it is a 'gross feeder', isn't it....?

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