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AJ1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 23/08/10 Updated: 23/08/10 Frost:

About My Edible Backyard

Why AJ1 Love's Edible Plants

I like to eat them


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Guava - Strawberry (Seedling) 10/10

AJ1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5291 days 6hrs

Comments: -

I had never tried it before but it looked interesting. The tree grew quickly to a shrub and had the berries within a couple of years. I haven't had enough yet to do anything else but nibble them straight off the tree but that is what I like to do with all my edibles in the garden - and they taste great.

Planted: 2008

Height 1 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Fruit Harvest: 15 Fruit Per Year

First Fruited: 1 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Spring

Pruned By: 5% in After Fruiting

Pollination: No

Fertiliser or Organics Used: general garden

When I Fertilise: Spring

Pest Control:

No need so far

Organic Status:Partially Organic



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Angela4 says... [2395 days 4hrs ago]

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