Yashara1's Edible Backyard
10/09/10 Updated:
10/09/10 Frost: About My Edible BackyardWhy Yashara1 Love's Edible Plants I love the dual function of edible plants: they create a beautiful visual & esthetic environment in which to live as well as providing nourishing and varied food. I love the satisfaction of wandering round the garden having a nibble here and a munch there or harvesting ingredients immediately before meals and knowing they are packed with goodness; knowing what has gone into the production; that it is organic and full of nourishment. My biggest challenge is the short growing season here in the central highlands. The soil type is volcanic and rich although has needed building up after years of farming practice. The garden has a good northerly aspect. Comments* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Jostaberry 8/10Yashara1's Edible FruitsUpdate: 5263 days 17hrs Comments: - I love to be able to wander round the garden and browse on berries. The Jostaberry is a good bite size with a lovely flavour between currants and gooseberries. They burst in your mouth with fresh sweetness, with a hint of tange. The rich burnished colour of the ripe fruits looks lovely amongst the green leaves. Fruiting Months February Planted: 2007 Height 1 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 4 First Fruited: 2 Years from purchase in pot Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Water Given in: Autumn SpringPollination: Self Pollination When I Fertilise: Yearly and Spring Pest Control: Birds are the only pests and they aren't major. I'll use nets if they get into a habit. Organic Status:Organic Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 1 of 3 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
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