ToniS1's Edible FruitsUpdate: 5091 days 21hrsComments: -
I love Bowens - who doesn't? I planted the first mango in our orchard in September - and it has grown 2ft since then. We live on deep clay - so have put it (like all the fruit tree planted here in the last few months) on a raised mound. Planted out with a reef fish carcass.
Planted: 2010
Height 1.5 metres
Growing: In the Ground
Qty: 1
Sun/Shade: Full Sun
Water Given in: Spring
Pollination: Self Pollination
Fertiliser or Organics Used: Seasol and Cow Manure
When I Fertilise: When Fruiting and Spring
Pest Control:
Underplanted with nasturtiums.
Organic Status:Organic
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