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Valorie's Edible Backyard

Joined: 07/12/10 Updated: 07/12/10 Frost:
Location: Castlemaine

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Valorie Forum Contributions
I have a cherry tree - Sandy, a friend of mine also had that problem with the leaves and she said it was a cherry slug!! Her remedy was to stand underneath it with a bag of flour and just chuck it up into the tree as the flour must hit the underside of the leaves. Suggest you..5171 days 1hrs
I have a cherry tree - Kathy, I don't think you can go past a cherry tree in the back garden. If I were planting again I would plant a Stella which is self fertilizing and sweeter than my Montmorency...5171 days 1hrs
I have a cherry tree - Thankyou for all that info Phil. Mine sounds just like you describe. It stews beautifully and also makes good jam (if one can be bothered with all that pipping!). Because of the lack of sunshine this year I think it was late in reaching maturity and wh..5171 days 1hrs
I have a cherry tree - Dear Nick, thanks for the reply - yours is the most helpful I think. After further consultation with friends, etc. I am fairly sure that it is a sweet cherry but pillar box red, not dark black cherries. Because of the lack of sun this spring/summer and a..5171 days 1hrs
I have a cherry tree - Can anyone help me to identify this cherry? I inherited the tree 9 yrs ago and estimate that it is about 15 yrs old but could be wrong. About 20ft tall and wide spreading. It has an open white blossom in Spring and its fruit is bright red in November, ..5184 days 23hrs

Lilly PIlly - Sour Cherry

Valorie's Edible Fruits
Update: 5184 days 23hrs

Comments: -

It requires very little attention, looks terrific with bright red fruit laden branches.  Mine is now about 20ft tall and wide spreading.  It bears tons of cherries - too many for me to pick so round up a few friends to help.  It is at its best about a week before Christmas.  I hardly watered it in the drought and it still survived and fruited well.

Fruiting Months November

Planted: 2003

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

When I Fertilise: Never


I would like to identify the type of cherry.  I was told that it was a Lapin but not sure.  It is self pollinating.  Although the cherries look terrific on tree they are sour so am wondering whether it is a sour cherry.  However if left to fully ripen on tree it becomes darker and sweet but still remains a mahogany colour - not dark like a Stella.  Does anyone recognise it?  I pruned it 2 yrs ago after it fruited and it produced less cherries, but bigger ones and the birds all got them so they must have been sweet as the birds are leaving them alone this year.  They do not split, but I have brown rot in them now because of this unseasonal rainy weather we are having.  As I live in Castlemaine, Vic it is a cold climate and therefore very suitable for cherries with -5 o/n temps.

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