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Claire1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 20/01/11 Updated: 20/01/11 Frost:
Location: Bayswater

About My Edible Backyard

Why Claire1 Love's Edible Plants

Nice to have an attractive tree that also gives you fruit in return!


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Claire1 Forum Contributions
Wurtz avocado - Hi was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice as to what is the best and biggest Avocado variety to grow in Perth WA. We have a hass avocado tree which hasn't fruited yet but the hass avocadoes are not very big. Does anyone know what that lar..5135 days 22hrs

Avocado - Hass (A) (Grafted) 5/10

Claire1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5135 days 21hrs

Comments: -

Attractive tree, taste of fruit,

Planted: 2010

Height 1 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Spring


Pollination: Self Pollination

Fertiliser or Organics Used: Blood and bone and mulch

When I Fertilise: Spring

Pest Control:

None - no fruit yet so no problems so far.

Organic Status:Organic


I have had this avocado hass planted for about 8 months now it is about 1m-1.5m tall but has not developed any fruit yet as it is still to young. The question i wanted advice on was that i have eaten hass Avocado before and like the taste but they are generally not all that large a fruit. I have seen other avocado trees around the Perth area that have a larger and slightly different shaped fruit on them (more pear shaped) and the skin of the fruit does not turn purple like the hass but remains green. Cold anyone please tell me the name of this avocado, more information about it, how it compares to the hass and best place to purchase in Perth? Would appreciate any advice. Thanks.

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Snow1 says... [4628 days 3hrs ago]
could be the Hass or Bacon depending on skinn texture, one smooth - Bacon and Hass wrinkly.

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