Amethyst's Edible Backyard
26/01/11 Updated:
28/10/23 Frost: About My Edible BackyardWhy Amethyst Love's Edible Plants Because they serve more than one purpose in the garden! Comments* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Turmeric - Orange (Cutting) 8/10![]() Update: 3791 days 11hrs Comments: - Turmeric is so darn easy to grow! Best in a pot as the plants in my garden were never happy and dwindled to nothing. Give it regular water and enjoy the lush foliage and waxy cream flowers. Harvest in autumn and you'll be amazed at how much it has bulked up. From two pieces we ended up with over 1 kilogram of root in a single season. Fruiting Months April and May Planted: 2012 Height 1.5 metres Growing: In a Pot Qty: 1 Fruit Harvest: 1.5 kilograms per Year First Fruited: 1 Years from purchase in pot Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Water Given in: Spring Pollination: No Fertiliser or Organics Used: Multi-purpose and horse manure When I Fertilise: When Fruiting Pest Control: No sprayes required for our plant. Organic Status:Certified Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 12 of 31 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Mango - R2E2 (Grafted) 7/10![]() Update: 3791 days 11hrs Comments: - Update September 2014: masses of flowers this year after a one-third prune in autumn. The scent is awful - think stale, soapy water or a bit like Photinia flowers. Still, small fruit are already forming and I hold high hopes for a fabulous crop this year. Might need to think it out if things get too frenetic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fruit was of good quality. Perhaps not as superior as a Bowen type mango but better than the majority of mangoes in Brisbane. Survived the November 2009 storms in The Gap / Keperra. 2010-2011 season has been disappointing only because it was wet during flowering and no fruit was set. The tree has made up for it with fresh vegetative growth and is getting a little larger than I expected! Update Nov 2013. Set and produced a good crop of fruit in 2012-13 but did not set well this year owing very dry weather following pollination. Fruiting Months March and April Planted: 2008 Height 4 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 1 Fruit Harvest: 2 kilograms per Year First Fruited: 2 Years from purchase in pot Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Summer Pruned By: 50% in After Fruiting, Autumn, Winter Pollination: Self Pollination Fertiliser or Organics Used: Sheep. horse When I Fertilise: Yearly Pest Control: None required. Seems fairly pest-free. Organic Status:Organic Question: Can I expect it to get much taller!? Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 7 of 14 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Drumstick Tree ( Moringa ) (Seedling) 6/10![]() Update: 3791 days 11hrs Comments: - Update September 2014: Has been pruned a few more times since last entry but never seems to recover well and is reduced to thin stems now. Again, hoping it might flower sometime but not holding my breath. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fast growing, interesting foliage. I have been using the leaves in salads but am looking forward to the day it finally flowers. No doubt it will need another prune before that. Planted: 2009 Height 5 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 1 Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Summer Pruned By: 75% in Spring Pollination: No When I Fertilise: Yearly Pest Control: Never has pests. Question: When will it flower and fruit? Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 15 of 38 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Davidsons Plum - QLD (Seedling) 6/10![]() Update: 3791 days 11hrs Comments: - Update September 2014: Still no fruit. In fact, it didn't even flower this year. I still like it for its size and shape but not holding out much hope that it will produce anything useable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interesting foliage. I knew I was challenging nature when I planted this in mediocre soil with a full northerly aspect and moderate rainfall. However, to its credit, it has survived and slowly, slowly grown a litlle bigger. This season has been its best but it's proabably only put on 20cm if that! I will be waiting some time yet before it starts to flower. Planted: 2008 Height 1 metres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Summer Pollination: No Question: In tough conditions, how long before this plant will flower/fruit? Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 4 of 10 people found this review useful CommentsGeewhiz says... [3552 days 6hrs ago]Same with mine it was very slow ans small until I feed it up with worm tea then it began to show signs of a slow growth. Mine has grown about 60cm in 18 mths sinceGeewhiz says... [3552 days 6hrs ago] Same with mine it was very slow ans small until I feed it up with worm tea then it began to show signs of a slow growth. Mine has grown about 60cm in 18 mths since* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Achiote - Bixa (Seedling) 7/10![]() Update: 3791 days 11hrs Comments: - Update September 2104: Bixa is an excellent tree to prune to a manageable size if you don't want it too big. I cut mine back to about half in winter and it re-shoots subsequent months to flower magnificently in autumn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nice pink flowers, glossy green leaves and easy to manage as a small tree. I collected seed from under a specimen in a park and four years later I have a flourishing specimen. Moderately fast grower Fruiting Months October and November Planted: 2007 Height 2 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 2 Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Summer Pruned By: 20% in Summer Pollination: No Pest Control: Does not seem to suffer from pests. Question: How do I prepare the seeds as a natural colouring? Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 15 of 35 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Passionfruit - Sweet Lilikoi (Seedling) 3/10![]() Update: 3791 days 11hrs Comments: - Feb 2014; well, I can't say I'd recommend growing this passionfruit. The fruit are large and a nice outside colour but the pulp is a greyish mass and, while terribly sweet, seemed to have a sickly taste. Maybe just my palate but I shan't be growing this vine again. ---------------------------------------------------- Interesting flowers with a distinctive spicy smell. Initially I had one plant but ended up buying another two for cross-poliination. As it is I have hand pollinated 80% of the crop! In 2011 I lost one vine after I had trowelled lightly near it's base to remove some weeds. I don't know if I was unlucky or they have a habit of dying like that. Can't wait for the fruit to ripen - some are a generous size - bigger than standard passionfruit. As for the flavour; stay tuned! Fruiting Months December Planted: 2011 Height 8 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 2 First Fruited: 2 Years from purchase in pot Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Spring Pollination: Hand Pollination Fertiliser or Organics Used: Horse maure, Seasol, Dolomite When I Fertilise: Spring Pest Control: Occassional sucking bugs easily removed by hand Organic Status:Certified Question: Have you ever experienced sudden dieback with this passionfruit? Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 5 of 11 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Star Gooseberry 4/10![]() Update: 3791 days 11hrs Comments: - Rather disappointed with this purchase. While it's a handsome looking small tree it has been a failure fruiting. Plants are either male or female or both. If you get one that's not 'both', you won't get any fruit. Planted: 2011 Height 2 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 1 Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Water Given in: Summer Pruned By: 30% in Spring Pollination: Cross Pollination Cross Pollinator Variety: Male plant When I Fertilise: Yearly Pest Control: Remarkably pest-free. Organic Status:Certified Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 7 of 14 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Japanese Raisin (Seedling) 5/10![]() Update: 4094 days 4hrs Comments: - Spreading habit, interesting toothed leaves, starting to provide reasonable shade. The trunk also plays host to some lovely leafy lichens. Unfortunately I don't think Brisbane climate suits it very well. Did survive The Gap / Keperra storm in November 2009 so, credit there. Update November 2013. I removed this plant in 2012. It grew to a nice size but it never had flowers and was riddled with red spider mite which made the leaves look awful. Planted: 2008 Height 3 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 1 Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Summer Pollination: No Fertiliser or Organics Used: Sheep, horse When I Fertilise: Yearly Pest Control: Red spider mite is the bane of this plant and it is controlled using Malathon (yes, not eco-friendly I know but, darn effective). Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 14 of 20 people found this review useful CommentsSarah says... [4983 days 20hrs ago]What a nice looking tree!Naturesfaerie says... [3208 days 5hrs ago] Markmelb says... [2391 days 19hrs ago] Maybe its your humidity that spider mites enjoy - mines about 5yo and has nice leaves and hardly water in summer - no flowers or fruit yet either - may take 4 more years.* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Natal Plum (Seedling) 5/10![]() Update: 4094 days 4hrs Comments: - Glossy green leaves, good plant for a tough position. Starry, gardenia-smelling flowers. Would make an excellent hedge. Update November 2013. In all it's time has only produced one or two fruits despite the fact there are several plants nearby. Planted: 2007 Height 0.8 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 4 Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Water Given in: Summer Pruned By: 5% in Pollination: No When I Fertilise: Yearly Pest Control: No pest management required. Never seen it damaged by insect pests. Question: Why don't I ever get any fruit? Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 8 of 15 people found this review useful CommentsGeewhiz says... [3552 days 6hrs ago]You might try feeding it sulphate of potash it promotes flower and fruit. Only if you soil is not already alkaline.* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
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