Northmaleny1's Edible Backyard
26/11/08 Updated:
17/08/09 Frost: Location: North Maleny About My Edible BackyardWhy Northmaleny1 Love's Edible PlantsHobbyfarmer - orchard commenced Oct 07 - Red Soil - 85 inches per year average - approx 60 varieties of fruits including tropical fruits - some die perhaps from too much rain, wet period for 6 months - mulch needs to be removed in the wet; dry period of 3 months when topsoil dries out - needs mulching: birds a nuisance so require netting from start of fruiting; - rewards to come in giving family and friends fruit. bought all fruit trees from advice by Daleys.
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Northmaleny1 Forum Contributions
Are kiwi fruit suitable to grow in - could you please advise if Maleny postcode 4552 is a suitable are for growing kiwifruit.. 5485 days 15hrs
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