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Eddie's Edible Backyard

Joined: 02/04/11 Updated: 02/04/11 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Eddie Forum Contributions
Lady finger banana - They look great John hope they will ripen b4 winter for you i think mine will be ready by mid spring going by how long yours have taken to grow waiting in anticipation is half the fun as well. Eddie..4978 days 12hrs
Lady finger banana - Thx again i will take some photos in the next few weeks and get an update what to do cant stress enough the appreciation Eddie..4980 days 4hrs
Lady finger banana - This is a pic i took yesterday about 3 hands are producing tiny bananas does this mean that they the male flowers have started and if i leave them a few hands on can i still eat them. Cheers Eddie..4981 days 5hrs
Sugar cane1 - http://cgi.ebay.com.au/WORLDS-TALLEST-SUGAR-CANE-ORGANIC-45-SEEDS-giant-RARE-/160516905909?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item255f8d9bb5 I found this on Ebay do you think will be ok Eddie..4985 days 8hrs
Sugar cane1 - Where abouts did you get yours from Peter i tried a website as on an above post but dont sell them. Or if anyone has any that can send me would be great pay for the postage and goods Cheers Eddie..4985 days 8hrs

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