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FreshIsBest's Edible Backyard

Joined: 17/05/11 Updated: 01/01/25 Frost:

About My Edible Backyard

Why FreshIsBest Love's Edible Plants

I enjoy doing gardening. The rewarding and satisfying feelings when the plants fruits. I enjoy picking the fresh fruits and vegies straight from my backyard. I grow all sorts of fruit trees and vegetables in my garden. I am always on the search for rare and unusual fruits and plants.


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

FreshIsBest Forum Contributions
How to look after banana plant2 - Hi i just got a gold finger banana plant. I was just wondering if anyone know what type of soil or fertiliser i should use to keep it healty and produces fruits...4797 days 15hrs
How to look after banana plant1 - Hi everyone, I have a few young gold finger banana plants. Was just wondering if anyone know what kind of soil or fertiliser I should use to keep the plant healthy and produces fruit. The photo was taken from a friend's backyard...4797 days 15hrs
How to look after banana plant - Hi everyone, I have got a gold finger banana plant. Was just wondering if anyone know how to look after it and what type of soil or fertiliser is required to keep the plant strong and healthy as well as producing fruits...4797 days 15hrs

Gold finger banana (Cutting) 5/10

FreshIsBest's Edible Fruits
Update: 4776 days 18hrs

Comments: -

I have been looking for a banana plant that actually gives fruits in melbourne for ages and had finally found one which was given to me recently from a lovely lady. I am still pretty new to growing bananas. I hope it will survive in my area.

Planted: 2012

Growing: In a Pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination


If anyone knows anything about growing banana, the type of soil and fertilisers it needs be healthy and to produces fruits please write back. Thanks heaps.

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Raspberry - Heritage 10/10

FreshIsBest's Edible Fruits
Update: 5023 days 16hrs

Fruiting Months October, November, December

Planted: 2011

Growing: In a Pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun


Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: When Fruiting

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Kumquat - Variegated (Grafted) 10/10

FreshIsBest's Edible Fruits
Update: 5023 days 16hrs

Comments: -

This varietie of kumquate is very juicy and it smell lovely.

Fruiting Months January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Planted: 2010

Growing: In the Ground

First Fruited: 1 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Spring


Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Never

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Vietnamese seedless lime (Cutting) 5/10

FreshIsBest's Edible Fruits
Update: 5023 days 16hrs

Fruiting Months January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Planted: 2009

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 2011 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun


Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Spring



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