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Blueberrywannabe's Edible Backyard

Joined: 02/06/11 Updated: 02/06/11 Frost:
Location: West End

About My Edible Backyard

Why Blueberrywannabe Love's Edible Plants

Gardening with edibles gives you so much satisfaction. The science behind it is also pretty cool...it is pretty much a science experiment that you can play with all the time.


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Natal Plum

Blueberrywannabe's Edible Fruits
Update: 5008 days 10hrs

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Ceylon Hill Gooseberry

Blueberrywannabe's Edible Fruits
Update: 5008 days 10hrs

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Dory says... [4818 days 5hrs ago]
Any chance I could get some seeds or cutting? I cannot find this plant anywhere :-( dgstock@iinet.net.au

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Malabar Chestnut

Blueberrywannabe's Edible Fruits
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Blueberrywannabe's Edible Fruits
Update: 5008 days 10hrs

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Guava Yellow Cherry

Blueberrywannabe's Edible Fruits
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Pomegranate - Rosavaya

Blueberrywannabe's Edible Fruits
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Dwarf Nectarine - Sunset Backyard Beauty

Blueberrywannabe's Edible Fruits
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Peach - Tropic Snow

Blueberrywannabe's Edible Fruits
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Dwarf Apple - Dorsett Golden

Blueberrywannabe's Edible Fruits
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Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet

Blueberrywannabe's Edible Fruits
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Blueberry - Sharpblue

Blueberrywannabe's Edible Fruits
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Blueberry - Powderblue

Blueberrywannabe's Edible Fruits
Update: 5008 days 10hrs

Comments: -

Best in garden....Fruited after 4 months in a self watering pot. amazing plants

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Blueberry - Backyard Blue

Blueberrywannabe's Edible Fruits
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Mulberry - White Shahtoot

Blueberrywannabe's Edible Fruits
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Dwarf Peach - Sunset Backyard Beauty (Grafted)

Blueberrywannabe's Edible Fruits
Update: 5008 days 10hrs

Comments: -

I have two of these little guys and I am loving the smallness. There hasn't been much movement in terms of growth but I guess that is what winter will do.

Planted: 2011

Height 250 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 2

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Spring

Fertiliser or Organics Used: handful of multi-purpose mulch

When I Fertilise: Spring

Organic Status:Partially Organic


Does anyone have any general advice on the grafted dwarf variaties? I think there *may* be a bacterial canker (i.e sap ooze) or the remenants of tip borer. I trimmed the oozy areas away and am now awaiting spring

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