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Richard2's Edible Backyard

Joined: 25/06/11 Updated: 27/06/11 Frost:

About My Edible Backyard

Why Richard2 Love's Edible Plants


Richard2 says... [4974 days 0hrs ago]
Growing fruit trees apparently is a heredity thing. My grand parent met while my grand father was attending Winnon Lake agricultural college. I suppose I inherited the fascination from them.

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Richard2 Forum Contributions
Paw paw tree1 - I have a problem with just after manual pollination of the paw paws when the fruit begin to appear they drop off. What could possibly be the reason. These are 10 ft trees...4976 days 22hrs

Richard2's WISH LIST

North American Paw Paw 10/10

Why Richard2 wants it: -

I feel that its a native indiana tree that more people should see in abundance.

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