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Kieran's Edible Backyard

Joined: 05/07/12 Updated: 05/07/12 Frost:
Location: Belgaum

About My Edible Backyard

Why Kieran Love's Edible Plants

I am a fruitarian so I am inteerested in all edible plants


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Kieran Forum Contributions
Avocado interesting shape russell variety florida usa - have done so, Genipapo..3217 days 19hrs
Avocado interesting shape russell variety florida usa - Hi Linton, don't know how I can send the seed from here. I live in North Karnataka, India and the seeds don't last that long. the main fruiting is from June to August and winter fruiting yields from February to May (sporadic)..3219 days 20hrs
Avocado interesting shape russell variety florida usa - I planted this by seed in my backyard and it started fruiting after about 5 years...4606 days 22hrs

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