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Cassowaryhill's Edible Backyard

Joined: 28/07/12 Updated: 28/07/12 Frost:
Location: Mackay

About My Edible Backyard

Why Cassowaryhill Love's Edible Plants

 Well I havent planted anything in the house im renting except some cheap paw paw trees that were passed on to me. I do have in a pot still till we move to a farm at the end of the year a Chocolate Pudding Tree. I cant wait to get some


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Cassowaryhill Forum Contributions
Hall avocado variety - Thanks GuyS!! But Iv swopped over from Hall to now my favourite!! Iv only just discovered what the main avo that I was eating when I lived in South Africa was... Edranol. Soooo Now im going to be persuing that!!.. Since moving here.. The avos are nice but..4204 days 14hrs
Monkey puzzle nut - Thanks Trikus!! Yeah Mackay can grow just about anything!! ;)..4225 days 7hrs
Hall avocado variety - HAHA!!! I will speak to Robyn as shes now working with me at Masters(opening the 29th) and see what she says. Ta Shane ..4225 days 7hrs
Hall avocado variety - Does anyone know the "Hall" Avo variety? I see its here in the Northern Territory but I have no idea how I would even get it... ..4255 days 11hrs
Pouteria lucmo not - @ Trikus. Hi mate. This doesnt pertain this thread but where did you aquire your Lechythis - Monkey Pots from? Desperately Seeking. Thanks Mate. PS how they doing?..4255 days 15hrs

Black Sapote - Chocolate

Cassowaryhill's Edible Fruits
Update: 4580 days 15hrs

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Papaya - Sri Lankan Red

Cassowaryhill's Edible Fruits
Update: 4580 days 15hrs

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