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Azuregirl's Edible Backyard

Joined: 21/08/12 Updated: 21/08/12 Frost:
Location: Sth Lismore

About My Edible Backyard

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Azuregirl Forum Contributions
Fig tree transplanting - Thanks for the replies!! Well a few months later, thanks to neverending sickness, the death of my nana and our family dog, I have finally moved the fig tree. It took me three days struggling with the flu and I was terribly rough with it but managed to sa..4554 days 3hrs
Fig tree transplanting - It's May 30 2010 and Im trying to work out if now would be a good time to transplant a fig that has been jammed behind the chook pen for a good 12 years or more the previous owners put it there! Poor thing it barely gets enough sun to live never mind spr..4635 days 20hrs

Peach - unknown

Azuregirl's Edible Fruits
Update: 4554 days 2hrs

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Mulberry - Unknown

Azuregirl's Edible Fruits
Update: 4554 days 2hrs

Qty: 1

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Fig - Unknown

Azuregirl's Edible Fruits
Update: 4554 days 2hrs

Qty: 1

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