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Grafted mango
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LizzieLaLa's Edible Backyard

Joined: 13/10/12 Updated: 13/10/12 Frost:
Location: Holland Park

About My Edible Backyard

Why LizzieLaLa Love's Edible Plants



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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

LizzieLaLa Forum Contributions
Yellow leaves on guava tree - This is my other tree growing 2 meters away in the same raised garden bed. The other tree is still losing leaves. I took a quick look from an upstairs window this morning. I will have a closer look when I get home from work. ..2583 days 14hrs
Yellow leaves on guava tree - Hi Kate, the problem continues. I have another guava tree close by. It is doing well and is even fruiting. Thanks for your advice. Do you think I should just wait and see? Cheers Lizz..2585 days 16hrs
Yellow leaves on guava tree - The leaves on my guava tree are turning yellow and falling off. I have no idea what could have caused this sudden change other than maybe it is being overwatered. I would appreciate it if you could throw some light on the situation for me...2603 days 15hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

LizzieLaLa has LIKED the following:
When to spray mango - Spray ASAP Michelle, you need to get that anthracknose under control. May I suggest using copper oxichloride and mancozeb combined, 30grams of each to 4.5L of water with a good wetting agent, say 60mls of that. Pure soap such as lux is OK if you can't ge..Liked Answer 3701 days 11hrs

LizzieLaLa's WISH LIST

Cut leaf mintbush 1/10

Why LizzieLaLa wants it: - Enjoy growing my own herbs.

Coriander (Seedling) 8/10

LizzieLaLa's Edible Fruits
Update: 4408 days 6hrs

Comments: - There is nothing like fresh coriander in food.

Planted: 2011

Sun/Shade: Full Shade

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