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Mick3's Edible Backyard

Joined: 21/12/12 Updated: 22/12/12 Frost:
Location: brackenridge

About My Edible Backyard

Why Mick3 Love's Edible Plants

just love growing fruit trees


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Mick3 Forum Contributions
Nectarines peachs black sapote2 - ..3461 days 19hrs
Nectarines peachs black sapote1 - Trees are going well for only 2nd yr..3461 days 19hrs
Tropical tolerant macadamias - hey mate ive lived in Townsville until recent and the house iwas at had the biggest macadamia tree I have ever seen I grew up with them at my nanas house in Brisbane too don't no about different sorts.. I actually thought they are the same spikey ..4430 days 10hrs
Looking - would appreciate any help really keen to get some do u think he has any more seeds could u ask him for me thanks mick..4430 days 18hrs
Seeds2 - looking for flame thrower seeds?..4431 days 18hrs

Orange - Valencia

Mick3's Edible Fruits
Update: 4431 days 18hrs

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Mango - Bowen Seedling

Mick3's Edible Fruits
Update: 4431 days 18hrs

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Lime - Tahitian

Mick3's Edible Fruits
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Lemon - Lisbon

Mick3's Edible Fruits
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Avocado - Sharwil (B)

Mick3's Edible Fruits
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Avocado - Hass (A)

Mick3's Edible Fruits
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Lemon - Eureka

Mick3's Edible Fruits
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Native Lychee

Mick3's Edible Fruits
Update: 4431 days 18hrs

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