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Tim1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 08/08/13 Updated: 14/04/21 Frost:

About My Edible Backyard

Why Tim1 Love's Edible Plants

The challenge of being able to grow all the different type of fruit trees i want to be able to enjoy fresh home grown organic fruit. Soil is red loam over sheet limestone with rainfall average of <200mm with frost and heatwaves with temps ranging from -5 to 45 deg celcius. Also irigating with untreated river water


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Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Tim1 has LIKED the following:
Jujubes2 - My experience is different kert, we bought some dried jujubes from Perrys Fuit and Nut nursery and they were sweet and delicious,tasting similar to a date. Is it possible that yours are the indian jujube which is inferior to the chinese? My jujube is 3 ye..Liked Answer 1972 days 23hrs
Maqui berry - Try Bunnings. They are selling lots at my local, the same folks that do the other potted plants- Goji, Blueberry, sublime, dwarf pomegranate etc...Liked Answer 1972 days 23hrs

Fig - Brown Turkey

Tim1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1951 days 4hrs

Planted: 2015

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Fig - Brown Turkey

Tim1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1951 days 4hrs

Planted: 2015

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1 of 3 people found this review useful

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