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Gelasiolara1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 02/09/13 Updated: 03/09/13 Frost:
Location: tlapacoyan

About My Edible Backyard

Why Gelasiolara1 Love's Edible Plants

 I love plants 


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Gelasiolara1 Forum Contributions
Passion fruit16 - Dear Sirs, I purchased the following cultivars seeds of passion fruit,Panama sweet gold, Panama Red Pandora ,Super Sweet 96A, Hawaiian, Sweet Lilikoi, Panama Red, Black, Misty Gem, because in my country do not allow the entry of plants, so I able to germi..4383 days 17hrs

Gelasiolara1's WISH LIST

Lychee - No Mai Chi

Why Gelasiolara1 wants it: - taste of fruit

lychee - maguili

Why Gelasiolara1 wants it: - taste of fruit, out of sesason fruit ripening

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