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Trevor1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Trevor1 Forum Contributions
Pinkabelle apple tree - Agreed, strictly private use of cuttings only. (And my apple "orchard" consists of one dwarf Granny Smith and one dwarf Jonathon/Pink Lady - don't think I'm much of a threat to commercial growers!)..5672 days 12hrs
Pinkabelle apple tree - I know it's late, but can anyone provide me with a few Gravenstein cuttings for grafting - I had some arranged, but it fell through. Any help will be much appreciated - and I can provide some Pink Lady if anyone is interested...5677 days 4hrs
Pinkabelle apple tree - Thanks, Ben. I just used a cleft graft, a sharp knife, and grafting tape in the end - looks ok. Also got keen and grafted some Tahitian lime cuttings onto a Eureka lemon - it will be interestin to see how this goes too...6397 days 5hrs
Pinkabelle apple tree - I've got a dwarf Jonathon and Granny Smith, and would love to graft some Pink Lady onto the Jonathon. Where can I buy some cuttings, pls?..6413 days 4hrs
Pinkabelle apple tree - ..6413 days 4hrs

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