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HappyEarth1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Wollongong

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

HappyEarth1 Forum Contributions
Tropical fruit trees successfuly grown in sydneywollongongnewcastle3 - Not sure about Wax Jambu fruits ... but id guess they would take 3-4 years before fruiting. I'm eating cherries from the rio grande at the moment and they are delicious. What a top, little tree! And ive got a whole bunch of sapodillas on the way. ..4823 days 6hrs
Banana2 - You can in Wollongong, NSW. You can buy them at Bunnings..4823 days 6hrs
Persimmon in sydney - ALways better to grow in the ground than pots, but depends on if you have the space . Both those persimmon varieties are fine. Buy dwarf if you decide to grow in pot, otherwise normal tree for in ground and keep it pruned to a manageable height. Rich..4844 days 3hrs
Persimmon in sydney - Persimmons are ideal for Sydney. A grafted tree will fruit within 1-2 years. Our 2 year old tree last year gave us 50-60 fruits :) Rich www.happyearth.com.au..4844 days 19hrs
Funny fruits2 - Seen this before i think ... where the seeds on the strawberry have germinated. RIch www.happyearth.com.au..5151 days 5hrs

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