Elaine De Saxe's Edible Backyard
01/12/13 Updated:
01/12/13 Frost: |
Fruit Tree Forum ContributionsElaine De Saxe Forum ContributionsRelocate lemon tree - On the other hand, grafting a piece of the old lemon onto a new rootstock could be another way of ensuring its survival. Elaine..6391 days 15hrs Relocate lemon tree - With some difficulty! Trees need quite a bit of preparation before they can be moved and researching that on the 'net or getting someone with expertise might have a successful outcome. However, at 25 years old a lemon tree is in its dotage and replacing..6401 days 15hrs Finger limes - So far, mine has not had any citrus pests at all. Same cannot be said for the exotic citrus which are floundering no matter what I do to them. The finger lime has grown and grown; it's on clay loam, very short on water and exposed to the western sun alth..6401 days 15hrs No subject38 - Gee, it sounds as though you are feeding them to death! Figs are from the Med. used to excellent drainage, hot dry summers and cold wet winters (but they do reasonably well in Briz with the reverse conditions). Less fert rather than more. If you can shift..6401 days 16hrs Finger lime - If you can provide a sheltered, warm micro-climate, it's worth a whirl. It's a **very** prickly plant, mine is just fruiting now after 5 years from seed and it's nearly 2 metres high by a metre around. Originally from open scrub, not rainforest; guess..6401 days 16hrs |
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