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Karina's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Sydney

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Karina Forum Contributions
Cape gooseberry - White oil seems to be keeping them under control for us, if you don't like picking them off... Karina..5940 days 6hrs
Lemonade fruit - If you do contact a nursery in America, check that they are the same thing-they may well sell some other citrus plant as a lemonade. Karina..6180 days 11hrs
Purchase blueberry trees - Do you mean blueberry bushes? I got some at Hargraves (Dural) just before Easter (late April?)last year. I've also seen them at Eden's (North Ryde) in September, but they looked a little sad-too much hot sun. Karina..6180 days 11hrs
Avocado trees dying help - We had a similar problem, after buying a Wurtz avocado (not from Daley's). We repotted it (potting mix) into a much larger pot, very gently without disturbing the roots as we had heard that they don't like root disturbance at all. However, over the next..6297 days 7hrs
Avocado trees dying help - We had a similar problem, after buying a Wurtz avocado (not from Daley's). We repotted it (potting mix) into a much larger pot, very gently without disturbing the roots as we had heard that they don't like root disturbance at all. However, over the next..6297 days 7hrs

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