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Tinka's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Tinka Forum Contributions
Oranges1 - Dear Russ I thought oranges love the heat!Well if there stay green how will I know when there are ready. Just try it i guess. Well thanks for the tip. But our neighbour has a mandarin tree and they turned orange, what is the difference? Tinka..5744 days 17hrs
Rosella bush - Dear bob, thanks for your tip.But guess what I sprayed my Rosella Bushes with Vineger Water and after that they startet growing again normaly and the bugs or whatever it was disapeared.I have found that vineger water is very usefull with many plants.regar..6347 days 1hrs
Rosella2 - Dear Bob When visiting a Hibiscus Farm in Bowen I discovered a Hibiscus Plant which looked like a green Rosella Bush with red Rosella buds Sorry I did not pick the Name...6384 days 14hrs
Rosella bush - I grow Rosella and have 5 bushes. There are about 1 Year old. I had one good harvest. The second harvest I found that inside the Calyx was little insects I believed there where some thought of lice. I sprayed them with some Vinegar water since that helped..6387 days 20hrs

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